Criminal | Offences Against The Person
Involuntary Manslaughter: Liability
Flash Card | A Level
bits of law

Involuntary Manslaughter: Gross Negligence
[Flash Card 1 of 3]
- D not have intention to kill or cause serious bodily harm / discretionary sentence / maximum life
- gross negligence / V dies as result of D's negligence
Actus Reus:
- negligence must be sufficiently serious / anaesthetist failed notice disconnected pipe during an operation / was abysmal / sufficient for liability (Adomako)
- four elements / duty of care / breach duty causes death /jury considers negligence gross / substantial cause of death (Adomako)
Duty of Care:
- D's duty of care V / established using ordinary negligence principles (Adomako)
- duty of care defined civil law /
.. you must take care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour...
(Donoghue v Stevenson) - liability imposed for omissions in limited situations / duty voluntarily taken on (Stone and Dobinson) / contractual terms (Litchfield) / complicity in a crime (Wacker)
- may partly determined by public policy (Willoughby) / if D contributed to life threatening state of affairs (Evans)

Involuntary Manslaughter: Gross Negligence
[Flash Card 2 of 3]
Gross Negligence:
- D's negligence must be gross (Bateman) / Lord Atkin:
.. a very high degree of negligence is required to be proved before the felony is established...
(Andrews) - whether breach of duty serious enough / amount to gross negligence is jury decision / leads to inconsistency / not guilty in Finlay / compared to conviction in Edwards
Risk of Death:
- risk of death caused by D's conduct / referred in Adomako
- what is sufficient risk / risk to V's
health and welfare
(Stone and Dobinson) / previous test wasdisregard for the life and safety of others
(Bateman) - lack of clarity / logical such a test is applied / not so uncertain as to breach Article 7 of ECHR (Misra)
Mens Rea:
- involuntary manslaughter / D not have the intention to kill or cause serious harm

Involuntary Manslaughter: Gross Negligence
[Flash Card 3 of 3]
Subjective Recklessness:
- subjective approach / means D either intended injury or realised there was a risk of injury / & took that risk
- unlawful act manslaughter / act must be objectively dangerous (Newbury and Jones) / but for non fatal assaults test can be subjective (Cunningham)
- Lord Evans / nothing in the Adomako to exclude reckless manslaughter (Lidar) / appears subjective recklessness & gross negligence manslaughter exist in parallel
- D in Lidar convicted of subjective recklessness manslaughter / could been convicted of gross negligence manslaughter / D as driver owed V duty of care / driving away with V half in the car could be breach / would be for jury to decide if was sufficient for gross negligence
- if subjective test applied / means D only guilty / if at time of act / D intended injury / & realised risk of death or serious injury / & took that risk