Criminal | Offences Against The Person
Murder: Actus Reus
Flash Card | A Level
bits of law

Murder: Actus Reus
[Flash Card 1 of 2]
.. the unlawful killing of a reasonable person in being and under the King's peace with malice aforethought, express or implied...
(Sir Edward Coke)- three elements: unlawful killing / a reasonable person in being / under the King's peace
Unlawful Killing:
- not justified / not authorised
- omission only liable / under duty to act / failed to do so
- contract / railway worker (Pittwood)
- special relationship / child starvation (Gibbins & Proctor)
- instigating chain of events / squatter (Miller)
- voluntarily taken on / family (Stone & Dobinson)
- public position / policeman (Dytham)
Reasonable Person in Being:
- how categorise life / application of the law
- foetus (AG Ref (no 3 of 1994) 1997)
- life support machine
Under the King's Peace:
- exemption for killing in war

Murder: Actus Reus
[Flash Card 2 of 2]
- D's guilty act caused V's death / rules of causation applied
- no causation / act is not unlawful / no criminal liability
Factual Causation:
- guilty if consequence / would not have happened /
but for
D's conduct - D cyanide mother's drink / she had heart attack before took effect / guilty attempted murder only (White)
- D girlfriend human shield / guilty manslaughter (Pagett)
Legal Causation:
- link between act & consequence / chain of causation must be unbroken
- D's conduct cause of death / more than minimal / not substantial
- contributed can be sufficient / heroin addicts (Cato)
- thin skull rule / general principle / D take V as he finds them
- V's religious beliefs / refused treatment & died / held mental & physical characteristics included / D caused V's death (Blaue)
- novus actus interveniens / new intervening act / can break chain causation
- medical intervention / only if seriously wrong / doctor
palpably wrong
(Jordan) - errors made / trying to care for V / may not break the chain of causation (Smith)
- rare complications / not independent of original act / chain causation not broken (Cheshire)
- victim's own act / if foreseeable not break causation (Roberts)
- is victim's own act /
..within the ambit of reasonableness..