Tort | Negligence
Absolute Defence: Consent
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Absolute Defences: Consent
[Flash Card 1 of 2]
- consent or voluntary assumption of risk (
volenti non fit injuria
) / if successful C cannot recover damages for D's breach
Claimant's knowledge of the risk
- D must establish: C full knowledge / nature & extent of risk / insufficient C merely knew risk exist
- drunk pilot / subjective test: P sober enough / defence successful (Morris v Murray [1991])
Claimant's consent
- D must prove: C freely & voluntarily consented / to taking risk of injury / no fear or duress
- consent can be: express: oral or written / implied: by conduct
- implied: difficult to establish C consented / risk of harm & accepted risk of D's negligence
Intoxicated drivers
- s.149 Road Traffic Act 1988: if insurance for passenger compulsory / D unable rely upon consent / applies: express agreements between driver & passenger (notice) / & implied agreements
- motorbike / consent failed / but contributory negligence (Pitts v Hunt [1990])
- participant or organiser / may be liable / to competitors or spectators
- referee / C consent ordinary risks of game / not D's negligent failure to apply rules intended protect players / D not liable
.. errors of judgment, oversights or lapses...
/ consent failed (Smoldon v Whitworth [1997])
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Absolute Defences: Consent
[Flash Card 2 of 2]
Claimant's consent
- policy reasons: consent unlikely succeed rescuer / rescuer acts under legal moral or social duty / so not freely consented to risk / in emergency situation created by D's negligence
- policeman horse / consent failed / decision to intervene foreseeable (Haynes v Harwood [1935])
- horse in field / no immediate danger / consent successful (Cutler v United Dairies [1933] )
- doctor / P's action considered
.. context of immediate and pressing emergency..
. / consent failed (Baker v Hopkins [1959])
- consent rarely succeeds between employer & employee / developed over time
- railway workman / consent succeeded (Woodley v Metropolitan Railway (1877))
- unruly horse / Scott LJ: .
. absence from his mind of any feeling of constraint so that nothing shall interfere with the freedom of his will...
/ consent failed (Bowater v Borough of Rowley Regis [1944] ) - suicide / no consent: depression foreseeable consequence D's work injury (Corr v IBC Vehicles [2008])
- if statutory duty breached: consent likely to fail / policy grounds
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