Contract | Formation
Acceptance: Electronic
Flash Card | Degree
bits of law

Acceptance: Electronic
[Flash Card 1 of 1]
- postal rule / overcome uncertainty in timing / parties contracting at distance by post
- today electronic / same issues / when acceptance effective?
- instant electronic acceptance (telex / fax / online keystrokes) / effective on communication
- telex / contract made where acceptance received / if recipient machine problem still bound (Entores v Miles Far East Corp. [1955])
- instant electronic acceptance / effective when reasonable to expect recipient to have read
- analogy / withdrawal / office hours (The Brimnes [1975])
- not instantaneous (email / voicemail) / debatable: when recipient reads/ listens or when sender reasonably expect acceptance communicated
- Wilberforce:
No universal rule can cover all such cases: they must be resolved by reference to the intentions of the parties, by sound business practice and in some cases by a judgment where the risks should lie ...
(Brinkibon Ltd v Stahag Stahl GmbH [1983] )