Contract | Formation
Acceptance: Overview
Flash Card | Degree
bits of law

Acceptance: Overview
[Flash Card 1 of 2]
- agreement: offer & acceptance / objective test / complete meeting of minds: agreement in fact & communication of acceptance
- Professor Treitel: acceptance
.. a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer...
(The Law of Contract)
Awareness of the offer
- only accepted if offeree aware offer existed
- Australian / forgot reward/ gave info when accused (R v Clarke (1927))
- gave info when dying /
from stings of conscience
not for reward / motive irrelevant / (Williams v Carwardine [1833])
Battle of the forms
- two standard T & Cs / which one contract made on?
- P offer with price variation clause / D order / P returned D's tear-off slip / on D's terms / Denning: all documents / agree
material points
then find decisive document / Lawton & Bridge: P accepted D's counter offer / more traditional & creates certainty (Butler Machine Tool v Ex-Cell-O [1979])

Acceptance: Overview
[Flash Card 2 of 2]
Acceptance by conduct
- battle of the forms: is there a contract at all?
- coal for yrs / D draft written / P return with alterations / relationship continued 2 yrs / D accept P's counter offer (Brogden v Metropolitan Railway (1877))
- negotiations fail: D reject P tender / P not reply D / no valid contract / P manufacture at D's request anticipating contract / D pay restitution (British Steel v Cleveland Bridge & Engineering [1984])
- required / courts may refuse to enforce if: terms unclear or an important term omitted
- van /
on hire-purchase terms
too vague / unenforceable (Scammell v Ouston [1941]) - mushroom farm / clear agreement / formal contract unnecessary (Branca v Cobarro [1947])
usual conditions of acceptance
/ meaningless clauses irrelevant (Nicolene v Simmonds [1953])- trees /
fair specification
: seemingly vague words / between parties specific meaning & acted on assumption was contract / enforceable (Hillas v Arcos (1930))