Public | Parliamentary Supremacy
Supremacy Doctrine: Enrolled Bill
Flash Card | Degree
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Supremacy Doctrine: Enrolled Bill
[Flash Card 1 of 1]
- Bill in Parliament roll as having consent of both Houses & Royal Assent / Wauchope: cannot be questioned by a Court / even if miscount of vote
Pickin v British Railways Board:
- Lord Denning:
function of the court to see that the procedure of Parliament itself is not abused and that undue advantage is not taken
/ aids supremacy not undermine - Lord Reid: to review
against trend of authority
as stated in Wauchope / court should not investigate proceedings / should avoid conflict between Parliament & courts - Lord Morris: for Parliament apply own procedures
Parliament Acts 1911 & 1949:
- Royal Assent / without consent of HoL / excludes extension life Parliament
- Speaker certificate / conclusive (1911 Act s3)
Regency Acts 1937 & 1953:
- Monarch under 18 / consent by a Regent / excludes some Bills eg. accession to Crown
- HLA Hart: important
ultimate rule of recognition
/ ultimate source of authority / whatQueen in Parliament enacts is law
- Some argue: ability to change enrolled bill rule / should introduce judicial review of Acts