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Supremacy Limits: EU Law
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Supremacy Limits: EU Law
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Treaty obligations:
- committed to common objectives /
process of creating an ever closer union among the people of Europe
(Maastricht Treaty 1992) - non-compliance / breach of international law / action against UK in European Court of Justice (ECJ)
- Lisbon Treaty: national parliaments powers in formulation EU law / President of European Council appointed by national Governments / but also increases policy areas covered / incorporates EU Charter of Fundamental Freedoms
- UK: Protocol that Charter not create any additional rights / not empower courts to strike down UK legislation
- Government accepts treaty obligations / not affect Parliamentary supremacy / may restrict national sovereignty / no legal limit as Parliament can override
- if treaty requires change in law Parliament must authorise / courts only enforce if enacted in law (Blackburn v Attorney-General)
Direct effect:
- Doctrine: EU law / enforceable in domestic courts / if give rise to individual rights or obligations
- Van Gend en Loos: requires national courts to give effect to EU law / if
clear, precise & unconditional
- Directives: vertical direct effect (against State or State bodies) / not horizontal (against individuals)
- Treaties: bind Member States to apply provisions
- directly effective EU law is supreme if conflict with national law
- EU law must be same in all Member States / necessarily prevail over national law / legal basis of Community would be questioned if national law could override /
Member States have limited their sovereign rights, albeit within limited fields
(Costa v ENEL)

Supremacy Limits: EU Law
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European Communities Act 1972 (ECA):
- Implemented Treaty of Accession 1972 / UK committed to EU
Section 2(1):
- broadly drafted incorporates all EU law into UK law / if
in accordance with the Treaties without further enactment to be given effect in the UK
/ gives effect in UK to directly applicable & directly effective EU law - gateway provision / Treaty provisions & regulations are directly applicable (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) / Directives if have direct effect / UK courts obliged to apply doctrine of direct effect
Section 2(2):
- enables UK Government to make delegated legislation to implement EU law
Section 2(4):
- deals with conflicts between directly effective EU law & UK statutes
any enactment passed or to be passed shall be construed and have effect subject to the foregoing provisions of this section
/ pre & post 1972 legislation / UK courts give priority to directly effective EU law- UK legislation implementing directive /
legislation designed to give effect to UK's treaty obligations to the Community
/ read with purposive approach / even if contrary literal meaning Litster v Forth Dry Dock - not if purposive approach creates
of national law Webb v EMO Air Cargo - intention to be inconsistent with EU law / Act of Parliament prevails Macarthys v Smith

Supremacy Limits: EU Law
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European Communities Act 1972 (ECA):
Factortame Case:
- doctrine of implied repeal / not prevent EU law prevailing over post-1972 Acts / avoids accidental conflict
- Lord Bridge: s2(4) will prevail over later Act / s4(2) implied section in later Acts / Act is without prejudice to directly enforceable EU law right
Section 3:
- requires UK courts to apply EU law / according to principles laid down by ECJ
- Courts have power to review compatibility UK legislation with EU law / contrary to principle courts cannot question Act of Parliament
- Interim injunction against Crown: prevents government from applying an Act / before final decision in litigation
- Declaration: declaration Act not apply so as to infringe directly effective EU law right / UK law is incompatible with EU law/ merely states the law (eg R v Secretary of State for Employment, ex parte Equal Opportunities Commission)
- No court nullified or quashed UK Acts / for incompatibility / maintains constitutional position / courts interpret on basis of ECA s2(4) / not question Parliament

Supremacy Limits: EU Law
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State liability:
- Individuals: can challenge UK law compatibility / may obtain damages for loss from State (Francovich) / applied in Factortame
- Liability may arise from failure to pass Act giving effect to EU law / or defective implementation / courts questioning Parliament's authority by awarding damages
- Constitutionally justified / Lord Bridge:
whatever limitation of its sovereignty Parliament accepted when it enacted the ECA 1972 was entirely voluntary
(Factortame) / including developments such as Francovich damages
Democratic deficit:
- Directly effective EU legislation / transfers powers to EU institutions to legislate for UK / not democratically accountable like UK Government
- Deliberative procedure for EU law / usually considered by European Parliament / before decision of Council Ministers / UK MEPs & represented on Council
Legal certainty:
- Doctrine direct effect / rights under UK law uncertain / especially Treaty provision which place obligations on individuals / drafted as framework & teleological interpretation / can cause uncertainty
- Directives: Equal treatment directive / can be used against State (Marshall v Southampton & South West Health Authority) / failed against private body (Duke v GEC Reliance)

Supremacy Limits: EU Law
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Fundamental rights:
- Undermines Parliament's role as UK guardian of rights / German Basic Law overridden by EU law Handelsgesellschaft
European Union Act 2011:
- Requires referendum before UK agrees TFEU amendments / further transfer of power to EU / statutory principle of Parliamentary supremacy in respect directly applicable or directly effective EU law
- arguably EU law provides most serous limit to Parliamentary supremacy / especially doctrine of dircet effect / rulings of ECJ placing obligations on doemstic courts interpretation
- although can be reversed by Parliament / ultimately ECA could be repealed / politically difficult