EU | Supremacy
Supremacy Doctrine: Overview
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Supremacy Doctrine: Overview
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- objectives EU (free movement: goods / services / persons)
- to meet objectives EU law must be applied uniformly in all member states / easiest treat EU as supreme
- Treaty of Rome silent on supremacy / no future Treaty amends this / no treaty provision stating supremacy
- why no Treaty provision: diplomatic / public opinion / obviously necessary for workable community / no-one realised how much EU law would be directly effective (doctrine not developed until 1970s)
- Constitutional Treaty: never in force / expressly stated supremacy when conflict with national law / Lisbon Treaty dropped this provision
International obligations
- Member states have own mechanisms for incorporating international law
- Monist: automatically once ratified (France) / Dualist: must be incorporated into domestic law (UK)
- constitutions: differ relationships between domestic & international law / international supreme (Dutch) / unclear (German) / through legislation (UK)
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Supremacy Doctrine: Overview
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ECJ development
- Van Gend en Loos: cautious beginning / broad, vague principles of new legal order / EU law supreme over earlier conflicting national law
- Costa v. ENEL: developed / EU law conflicts with later national law /careful justification via references to treaties: Article 288 TFEU transfer power to EU institutions / Article 5 TEU committed observe EU law
- Handelsgesellschaft: confident assertion / EU law supreme / even over law enshrined in a Member State's constitution (German Basic Law)
- Simmenthal: confirmation & consolidation of supremacy doctrine / further refinement that national courts should apply EU law immediately in cases of conflict / not invalidate national law but no effect
- EU law / incorporated European Communities Act 1972 (ECA)
- ECA s2(4):
any enactment passed or to be passed... shall be construed and have effect subject to subsection (1)
/ community obligations / gives priority to EU law / as required by ECJ - traditional: Parliamentary sovereignty & implied repeal made EU law supremacy impossible /
abide by the statute without regard to the Treaty at all
(Felixstowe Dock) / court has no power to set aside Act of Parliament - Factortame: interim injunction / court would have to suspend the Act / no power to do so / necessary for EU rights to be upheld / HoL referred to ECJ / ECJ: should recognise supremacy of EU law / effectively grant injunction against Crown
- EU law major limit on parliamentary sovereignty / if domestic statute expressly overruled ECA / UK courts probably obey / UK would breach Treaty obligations
UK Courts
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