EU | Free Movement Of Business
Business Mobility: Qualifications
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Business Mobility: Qualifications
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- Host State must assess equivalence (Vlassopoulou)
Regulation 1612/68
- Article 3: linguistic competence / may be required for a particular post / indistinctly applicable / proportionate (Groener)
Directive 2004/38
- Article 27(1): candidate cannot be turned down for job / on economic grounds (shortage of certain jobs)
Directive 2005/36
- employed or self-employed / in regulated profession / EU citizens / Member State other than their own
- Chapter One: principle of mutual recognition / subject to
compensatory measures
: aptitude test if 1 yr shorter / substantially different - Chapter Two: system of automatic recognition of qualifications / experience : textiles / clothing / food
- Chapter Three: system of automatic recognition of qualifications for specified professions: medical / vets / architects
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