EU | Free Movement Of Business
Business Mobility: Directive 2006/123
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Business Mobility: Directive 2006/123
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- referred to as Services Directive
- aims: simplify administrative procedures / make service provision easier
- Article 2(1): applies to services supplied / individuals & companies / established in Member State (Article 49 TFEU)
- Article 4(1): self-employed economic activity / normally provided for remuneration (Article 57 TFEU) / establishment (Article 56 TFEU) / excluded: healthcare & financial services
Freedom of establishment
Authorisation schemes
- Articles 9 - 13: permitted: not discriminate against the provider (indistinctly applicable measures) / if necessary
overriding reason relating to the public interest
(public health, consumer protection, environmental protection) / proportionate - Article 14: prohibited: distinct & indistinctly applicable measures / prohibitions on having an establishment in more than one Member State / obligations to take out insurance from provider established in host State
- Article 49 TFEU: covers these requirements / Services Directive outright ban
Requirements to be evaluated
- Article 15: quantitative or territorial restrictions / obligation on provider to take specific legal form / obligation on a provider to supply other services jointly with his service
- only justified: non-discriminatory / necessary
overriding reason relating to the public interest
(public health, public policy, public security, environmental protection) / proportionate
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Business Mobility: Directive 2006/123
[Flash Card 2 of 2]
Freedom to provide services
- Article 16(1): may not impose requirements on incoming service providers / distinctly applicable: totally prohibited
- indistinctly applicable: only justified: necessary
overriding reason relating to the public interest
(public health, public policy., public security, environmental protection) / proportionate - Article 16(2): prohibited outright: provider in one state must have establishment in host State / register with professional body in host State
- Article 17: derogations Article 16: services of general economic interest (postal & utility services) / data processing / shipment of waste
- Article 18: derogations Article 16 / some on safety grounds
Rights of recipients of services
- Articles 19 - 20: prohibits: requiring recipients to use certain providers / discrimination users from other States must be objectively justified
- Article 21: recipients / obtain adequate information about providers frpm other States
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