EU | Free Movement Of Persons
Personal Mobility: Worker Rights
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Personal Mobility: Worker Rights
[Flash Card 1 of 2]
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
- Article 45(1)TFEU: free movement of workers
- Article 45(2) TFEU: no discrimination / on nationality
- part time /
effective & genuine
economic activities (Levin) - even if require state benefits supplement (Kempf)
- employment relationship / performs services under direction of another / indicator of worker status (Lawrie-Blum)
- unpaid work / economic value to community (Steymann)
- UK Court of Appeal / 6 months sufficient (Mohammed Barry)
- covered by Article 45 TFEU / not unlimited / State can place restrictions (Antonissen)
- Directive 2004/38: continuing to seek employment / & genuine chance of being engaged
- direct discrimination (Bosman )/ indirect discrimination (Allue) / non-discriminatory restrictive effect (Bosman)
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Personal Mobility: Worker Rights
[Flash Card 2 of 2]
Regulation 1612/68
- Article 1: right to take employment
- Article 6(1): not subject to discriminatory tests or criteria
- Article 7(1): not treated differently grounds nationality / conditions employment
- Article 7(2): equal social & tax advantages / as national workers
- social advantage / beyond employment contract / applies to families in same way as nationals (Cristini v SNCF)
- Article 7(3): equal access to training
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